“Born under a bad sign, to a cockney wide boy and a Scottish high priestess, son of the devil himself, Andy has been kicking around the earth for a while now, somehow finding the time and skill to annoy almost everyone he comes into contact with!
Hi taste in music is almost as odd as his fashion sense, ranging from classical stuff (as long as it’s not too poncy), through the decades (embracing some very cool classic rock), stopping off for a long time around the 80’s, and proceeding to modern day, and Andy’s version of modern day is 1996!
Andy started playing in the 80’s in a small town called Godalming, in Surrey. The band was called Vicious Bitch, a gentle punk and rock 4 piece who ripped the heart out of many a good song in as quick a time as possible. A fallow period followed whilst Andy accepted the reality that he was never going to be rich and famous, possibly poor and infamous perhaps.
It wasn’t until the early 2000’s that he started playing more seriously, starting off with the nearly famous Preston based Bumping Hedgehogs. Andy’s post Hedgehog career saw him play in ESP, some say ESP was Preston’s premier boy band, most said f… off! Crossorads was next, a 5 piece classic rock band from Preston / Southport.
Andy is the baby of the band, joining in the summer of 2021, whilst still actively playing in his other band, because both bands play different genres, there never a dull moment, and so far gigs and rehearsing haven’t clashed!
His prize possession, apart from Brenda (his current and favourite bass) is the world’s longest short guitar lead, which stretches some 18 inches – that’ll make your eyes water.
Real live music makes the world go round, have fun, see you soon at Wembley Stadium, The 02 Arena or Fleetwood!”
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